Senior Year Checklist (Part 6). Five Important Steps to Take During the Summer Before College Begins. Reasons Why Your Last High School Summer Job is Key and Attending Your New Student Summer Orientation is Crucial

#044 - Today, we continue our senior year checklist discussing the first two of five important steps to take during the summer before college begins.
Jankel and I will talk about the first two, starting with the importance of securing a job that allows you to save as much money as you can for several expenses you will need to make during your first term.
During our discussion, we debunk a myth that many students believe about the problems that may arise if they earn too much money during the last high school summer of the high school year.
We continue with the second step, attending the student summer orientations that your college or university will make available for you. Student orientations are very important in helping you start the first school term strongly.
Additionally, we go over the reasons why it is very important to attend one of the orientations scheduled early in the summer. There is a lot to gain by being one of the first students to attend.
Jankel begins the episode by asking me an important an unexpected question that helped emphasize some of the important points examined during the episode, What type of students do I prefer to teach?
There is a lot we packed into this episode!
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