Interview with AdventHealth Global Missions Program Director, Andrea Ward. The Path to Finding Professional Fulfillment While Improving the Lives of People Around the World. From Community College to a Master's Degree in Non-Profit Management

#040 – On this midweek episode, we feature Andrea Ward, Program Manager for AdventHealth Global Missions Department, which exists to bring health and healing to people around the world.
An example of the projects which this department carries out is Operation Sunshine, through which healthcare leaders and medical professionals help almost 600 children who lost their parents during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Through Operation Sunshine provides it, the department provides medical care to every kid and cover all medical costs.
On this candid interview, Jankel asks questions that prompt Andrea to share important details of what became her professional path, one that today allows her to feel professionally fulfilled today.
Andrea began her higher education in a community college, transferred to and graduated from La Sierra University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, and eventually received a Master’s Degree in Non-Profit Management from the University of Central Florida.
Andrea talked about the profound influence her parents had in the decisions she made regarding higher education, and in the professional path she chose thereafter.
Andrea was very open about not having a precise idea of what she wanted to after college, although she always remained loyal to her desire to do something in which she helped people.
That desire allowed her to apply for an internship that took her across the country, got her immediately hired, and gave her the initial platform for what today is a very successful and fulfilling career.
There are many valuable lessons that students will gain from this episode related to college plans, career path, and professional advancement.
Parents will gain important insights on how to help their kids find their college and professional paths.
Links to organizations mentioned on this episode:
La Sierra University-Studies Abroad Program
Adventist Colleges Abroad-Study Abroad Program: Instituto Avventista Villa Aurora, Italy
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