How to Overcome the Challenges That Come Your Way as You Get Ready for College. The Key to Resilience and the Role Vision Plays in the Process. Also, Jankel’s Story of Resilience After the Horrific Car Accident She Endured as a Senior in High School

#037 – Long term success requires the ability to practice resilience, the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
Students can count on experiencing difficulties as they go through high school, carry out the college admission process, and as they become college students. Difficulties are part of life.
On this episode, Jankel and I talk about the importance of developing resilience early in high school to go through the many obstacles that will surely present themselves.
We also highlight the essential role that having a vision plays in developing resilience. That is, the ability for high school students to visualize what they ultimately want to become, and the major role college plays in that process.
Vision creates resilience, and resilience empowers students to triumph over the many challenges they may face through their path to college and beyond.
At the end of the episode, Jankel shares her own story in which resilience allowed her to remain strong in her commitment to go to college, even after narrowly surviving the horrific head-on collision that nearly took her life, while she was a high school senior.This episode is full of very important and timely information.
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