Personal Leadership Episodes

Topics related to the personal leadership of high school students. These are the traits that will allow students to achieve success in high school, the college admission process, and beyond.
Oct. 20, 2021

The Habits of Successful and Overachieving Students (Part 4). Organiz…

# 072 – Today, on this episode, we conclude our series on the habits of successful and overachieving students. Jankel and I embark on a conversation about how important it is for students to have excellent organizational skil...

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Oct. 7, 2021

The Habits of Successful and Overachieving Students (Part 3). How to …

# 070 – Today, on our next-to-last episode of in our Habits of Successful Overachieving Students, Jankel go over five habits and activities that historically have produced positive results in the lives of students in the past...

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Sept. 29, 2021

The Habits of Successful and Overachieving Students (Part 2). How to …

# 068 – On this episode, Jankel and I, continue outlining the habits of successful and overachieving students by going over habits number 4 to 6. We begin by describing what “owning the course material” means and the ways in ...

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Sept. 24, 2021

The Habits of Successful and Overachieving Students (Part 1). Vision …

# 067 – In my life as a professor I have had the sweet privilege of seeing a number of students who went on to accomplish and surpass their goals. These are the students I refer to as successful and overachieving. Their paths...

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April 16, 2021

Special Episode. From the NETFLIX Series Last Chance U: Basketball, 5…

#038 – Coach John Mosley is our guest on this special episode. We discuss several topics related to his successful approach to coaching, which has led several accomplishments inside and outside the basketball court. Coach Mos...

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April 10, 2021

How to Overcome the Challenges That Come Your Way as You Get Ready fo…

#037 – Long term success requires the ability to practice resilience, the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Students can count on experiencing difficulties as they go through high school, carry out the college ad...

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March 13, 2021

13 Things Every High School Student Should Do for a Smooth Transition…

#032 - Today, we talk about the 13 things high school students should to transition smoothly from high school to college. This is advice I am offering after 17 years of teaching freshman and sophomore level students, who just...

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