#085 - This is the third episode in a series that deals with some of the most common misconceptions about college admissions. On the previous two episodes we talked about the fallacy of the “Best-College Rankings” and what re...
#084 – The perceived complexity of the college admission process makes it easier for students and parents to believe misinformation, as they attempt to gather as much information to do it right. On the previous episode, we de...
#083 – Today, I uncover the fallacy of common methods of ranking colleges and universities. On any day, it is very common to hear talk about so-called best colleges, top colleges, ranked colleges, highly-ranked colleges, top-...
#082 – Today, we uncover the characteristics of teaching institutions, which in many ways, are different from research institutions. We begin by presenting an article that appeared on the Chicago Tribune, which criticized the...
#081 – On this episode, Jankel and I begin by outlining some of the major differences between research universities and teaching universities. We begin by sharing some Jankel’s experience doing geological research in the Pisc...
# 073 – After listening to this episode, you will be able to analyze whether a college or university is a Reach, Target, or a Safety school for you. One of the most important things you will do as part of the college admissio...
#071 - One of the most important things you will do in high school, is to make a list of colleges to which you will apply. Making that list will be a challenging exercise because there are a great many colleges and universiti...
#062 – Misinformation about college admissions is widespread and constant. And, although poor and downright wrong information is often circulated with the best of intentions, it has the potential of taking you down a path tha...
#057 – Campus safety is one of the most important factors to consider when making the list of colleges to which you will apply. On this episode, Jankel and I share the importance of practicing situational awareness, the ways ...
#033 – On this final episode of the junior year checklist, we focus on a very important step all high school students must do in the junior year. That is, narrowing down their big list of colleges, so at the end, they arrive ...
#017 – On this episode, we share steps you can follow to make sure your kid successfully builds one of the most important parts of the college application, taking the right courses in high school to meet the course requiremen...
#016 – We continue our conversation about the differences between private and public colleges and universities, starting with the number of students in the larger classes, and following with differences in campus culture, stu...
#015 - On this episode we highlight the differences between private and public colleges and universities. These marked differences will affect your kid’s college opportunities and experience in several ways. It is important t...
#014 – On this episode we cover that very important question every student should ask, “Can I afford to attend the school to which I am planning to apply?” We uncover the real cost of going to college and go over the elements...
#013 – On this episode, we help you identify the colleges or universities that meet your needs by asking questions related to life on campus. We dive deep into the importance of applying to schools with a campus culture that ...