#107 – Today, we present three steps to take after completing the FAFSA. These are easy-to-follow steps that will ensure that you receive your financial aid as soon as possible. Additionally, we walk you through a detailed de...
#106 – On this episode, Jankel and I present the six steps that are necessary to apply for and receive financial aid. We highlight the details of the first two, including, the information that will be necessary to complete th...
#105 – On this episode we present the 10 most common mistakes students and parents/guardians make when filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Although some of these mistakes are easily avoidable, so...
#062 – Misinformation about college admissions is widespread and constant. And, although poor and downright wrong information is often circulated with the best of intentions, it has the potential of taking you down a path tha...
#043 – What do you do after you apply to all the colleges that made it to your final list and some of them respond granting you admission, actually saying yes, we want you to be one of our students? How do you choose the one ...
#039 – We continue covering two elements of the senior year checklist that have everything to do with financial aid. It is in the senior year when students apply for financial aid. Different colleges and universities have dif...
#027 - On this special episode, we are stepping away from our normal episode line-up to make you aware of important information that will affect you if you are a high school student planning to go to college, or if you are th...
#025 - This is a special and timely episode that will give you important information to help you manage your college admission path within the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. You will understand how most college adm...
#006 - On this episode, we continue our conversation about colleges with higher admission rates by exploring Pacific Union College, or PUC as it is more commonly known, an institution with a 55% admission rate. Gene Edelbach,...