#033 – On this final episode of the junior year checklist, we focus on a very important step all high school students must do in the junior year. That is, narrowing down their big list of colleges, so at the end, they arrive ...
#031 – The letters of recommendation are an important part of the college application for any student seeking admission into most institutions, especially those that are selective. On this episode, we talk about the differenc...
#030 - On this episode, we go over a very important step you will take as a high school student who is planning to go to college, narrowing down the list of colleges to which you want to apply, by selecting only colleges that...
#029 - Today we talk about something very important in the college admissions process, creating a system that allows you to maintain the many documents and information that will be part of your college application. This is es...
#026 - This episode is very important because in it we present a way for high school students to create a well thought out plan of action to prepare for the SAT. The SAT is extremely important, especially to gain admission i...
#024 - On this episode, we continue uncovering the steps every high school junior should take to succeed in the college admission process. We go over one of the most important components of the college application, scores fro...
#023 - On today's show, we begin a series about the junior year of high school, on one of the most influential in the college admission process. There is a lot that goes on in the eleventh grade that gives college admissions ...