UC San Diego has one of the leading earthquake-related engineering research facilities in the world

Did you know UCSD is one of the most important hubs of earthquake-related engineering research in the world? For years, the NHERI@UCSD Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table (LHPOST) has allowed earthquake engineers and researchers to perform seismic testing of very large structural systems.
What does this mean in plain English? UCSD has a very strong and powerful movable platform (shake table) on which structures and buildings are built to undergo earthquake simulation tests. In fact, it was the first shake table in the whole world.
The simulation tests allow researchers from UCSD and from around the world to conduct experiments that test full-size structures (for example, buildings, or houses) to see how they react to the most devastating earthquakes ever.
This is a much more realistic and effective way to test structures than simply relying on computer models, or conducting experiments on reduced-scale models.
These experiments have resulted in the creation of structures that are capable of enduring the movements generated by powerful earthquakes, and thus, increasing earthquake safety in general. This facility is part of the Englekirk Structural Engineering Research Center at Camp Elliott, which is located less than 10 miles from the main UCSD campus.
But that’s not all, in addition to the Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table (LHPOST), the Englekirk Center also houses a Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (SFSI) facility, which tests the reaction of soil to earthquakes. It also houses a Blast Simulator, used to study the effects of bomb blasts and test new technologies to harden buildings against terrorist bomb attacks.
Imagine how cool it would be to attend the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering and be able to participate in any one of the research projects being conducted at the Englekirk Center.
Not only would you learn a ton from the leading experts on the field, but you would also be meet researchers and other professionals from around the world. All while creating safe structures that will potentially save thousands, if not millions of lives.
If you are interested in engineering, make it happen. Keep up your work in high school, take rigorous courses, and when the time comes, apply to UC San Diego. You can be the next researcher creating the structures that will keep people save.
As I often say, that is some good stuff!
Additional Resources:
UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, Englekirk Center, Powell Structural Research Laboratories
Virtual Tour of NEHRI @ UC San Diego
Read more on Frontiers Media: NHERI@UC San Diego 6-DOF Large High-Performance Outdoor Shake Table Facility
Read more on the UCSD website: About NHERI @ UC San Diego