13 Things Every High School Student Should Do for a Smooth Transition and Success in College. My Advice After 17 Years of Teaching New College Students

#032 - Today, we talk about the 13 things high school students should to transition smoothly from high school to college.
This is advice I am offering after 17 years of teaching freshman and sophomore level students, who just a few months before taking my classes were finishing high school.
These pieces of advice have to do with having the right mindset, how to manage college classes, the differences in classroom management between high school teachers and professors, and the different expectations that are placed on students since the first day of class.
Additionally, we go over different ways in which students can get the most out of their college years.
It is true that the college years are usually the happiest in the life of a person. It is also true that college life is very different from high school life.
Those differences are felt the moment a new college student sets foot on a college campus. That is why it is so important to be able to adapt quickly and make a smooth transition.
Our goal on this episode is to empower high school students with advice that will make them better prepared to succeed in college.
We also aim to provide parents of high school kids with information that will allow them to further prepare their kids for life in college.
Link mentioned on this episode:
TEDx Talks. Trauma in Children: What You Can Do to Help. By Dr. Uchenna Umeh
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